carlos•brum•melo photography
documentary // humanist // photojournalism // travel
Press / Magazines

Press article

(Photos #2 and #3)

Photos #1 and #3

Online gallery with 12 photos from "Tibete, na sombra do teto do mundo" exposition

Photos #1, #10, #11, #12, #13 and #14

Viajário ilustrado considered one of the 5 best photography travel blogs in Portugal

Viajário ilustrado nominated for best photography travel blog in Portugal

Nepal interview

Jardim Sagres Fest 2016 (Photos #1, #3, #9 e #18)

Online gallery with 12 photos from "Nepal, a vida criativa" exposition

Tremor 2016 portfolio, with 10 photos (Happy Meals, Sara Cruz, PAUS, Rafael Carvalho, Lucas/Medeiros, Sturle Dagsland, Luis Senra & Yves Decoster and SONJA)

Photos of Tremor Music Festival (online version - view link below) Capitão Fausto @ Coliseu Micaelense PAUS @ Coliseu Micaelense

Tremor // Sara Cruz, Equations and Happy Meals (18-03-2016)